Friday, 8 January 2010

new blog...and I can't type because my cat won't get off my knee...

I've never done a blog before. But like they say, when in Rome...

I suppose I have to comment on the snow over here, seen as there is an abnormal amount about. Also-about how everything in the country shuts down when there's snow. Why is this? If we were in Canada or Sweden we'd still have to go to work despite the drifts of snow they get there.
A good thing about the snow is, the snowmen! In the park near mine, I saw a 9ft cock snowman...unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me, so you will have to miss out on this occassion. BUT I do have this picture. I was walking to town, and just happened upon it. It's so cute and very bright (which I think is the main reason I love it). x

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